Recommended Children’s Books, CDs, DVDs, Musical Instruments - ASL, English and Spanish
Libros, CDs, DVDs, y Instrumentos Musicales Infantiles Recomendados.

Classic Tales 'n Tunes

Sage Parenting Books

The books listed here are classics, and yet they are still selling more copies than most newer parenting books. The reason they are still in print, and in high demand, is because they are considered by many to be the seminal works in their fields.

Your One Year Old
Louise Bates Ames

This book is part of a series published by the Gesell Institute, which is world famous for their pioneering studies in developmental norms. It is a wonderful resource for learning about normal developmental behavior, and for learning helpful techniques for avoiding or managing undesirable behaviors.

Your Two Year Old
Terrible or Tender,
by Louise Bates Ames

See previous book's comments

Your Three Year Old
Friend or Enemy,
by Louise Bates Ames and Francis L. Ilg

See previous book's comments

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen

This easy-to-read book gives common sense advice to build a healthy relationship with your child, and can improve your relationships with adults as well! Through this simple approach, Adele Faber and Elaine Maslich are revolutionizing communications in today’s world.

Children: The Challenge
Rudolf Dreikurs

Whether your child is 2 years old or 12, you’ll find some great techniques in this book for winning cooperation and reducing friction.

Siblings Without Rivalry

Reading this book will help you understand how your child may feel about the addition of a sibling to the family. It is easy to read and gives great suggestions on how to help siblings live in harmony.

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